Negotiating between and around all of these conflicts is a immigrant family from Bronze Sky, who have their own blind spots and cultural assumptions. And the Elysians' own utopia turns against them, when their own nano-servors achieve sentience and demand rights. The Urulan are a warlike, very sexist people who bred with their simian slaves over the years, and are as against the Elysians' use of simian embryos for lab experiments as the Elysians abhor the Urulans' sexism and agression. Having more money than they could ever use, they grant huge assistance loans to the L'lii, who could never repay them. Over the course of the book, they come into conflict with many different societies. The Elysians chose to exchange their own ability to bear children for near-immortality. Centuries ago, the Sharers allowed the Elysians to settle on their world and learn lifeshaping from them.

Having more money than they could ever use, they grant huge assistance loans to the L'lii, who could never repay Generations after the Sharers refused to accept Valen control, there is a new struggle for freedom on Shora.

Generations after the Sharers refused to accept Valen control, there is a new struggle for freedom on Shora.